A lot more pictures are coming soon. The first set are from this past spring when my friend Lauren and I walked one of the trails behind Thacher (the boarding school I went to in Ojai, California). It was a foggy Sunday morning. I wish we could've gone back on a sunny day, but I do like these pictures pretty well anyway, if I do say so myself. :)

The second set are from the trip to Portugal with Mr. Warren during Spring Break 2003. Six of us went to the dressage school at Alcainca for six days of riding, following which we did some sightseeing while staying at a hotel in Mafra.

The third set are a variety of pictures from the spring, including graduation; the fourth set are of horses and the barn.

Hover your cursor over any picture to see a short description.
Click on a picture to see a larger version.


Trail // Portugal // Spring // Horses


Horses at Carpenter's Orchard
Orange Orchards
A sign indicating a closed trail
The trail (whoa, never woulda guessed, eh? :-P
Part of the Ojai Valley


The six of us at the school -- left to right: Bekah, Keely, Lucy, Rebeccah, Martha, Phoebe.
Phoebe & Beccah
Bekah & Lucy
Gracioso -- my favorite horse and the one I rode the most.
The scenery isn't just pretty, it's useful!  (These are some bridles.)
A truck with the school's logo
Lucy & Keely
Part of the town of Alcainca
We walked around town one afternoon, and I thought this house was cool.
We also walked to this windmill a couple of times.
The palace in Mafra was just down the street from our hotel.  I believe it's the largest palace in Portugal.


For Unprom, you dress as tastelessly as you can; you're allowed to spend a maximum of $10 on your outfit.  This year, Unprom was called 'The Foot Ball' and focused on shoes.  This picture is at the dorm before the dance.  From left to right: Bekah, Lucy, Keely.
At the reception at the Mullys' the afternoon before graduation.  From left to right: Lucy's grandma, Lucy, Ms. Mully, Thomas (Lucy's brother), Lucy's mom.
Lucy and Nhu Y at the junior/senior party at the Mazzolas' (the night before graduation)
Lucy and Alison right before graduation
Alison and Matt as the seniors walked down to the lawn.  Lucy and Will are behind them.
Matt, Lucy, and Lucy's cousin Will right before the ceremony started.
Some of the seniors during the ceremony
Lucy about to get her diploma from Mr. Mulligan
Hana, Phoebe, and Alison at the Backs' house on grad night


Lolita, the mare I rode senior year in the winter Lucy & Lolita
Keno, Keely's darling gelding One view of the sand arena
Another view of the sand arena The road going through the barn
I rode Gracie in the spring.


Copyright 2002-2003 Lucy Hodgman

AIM: Ceedah